I will not knowingly take any personal, professional, or monetary advantage or benefit of the coach-client relationship, except by a form of compensation as agreed in the agreement or contract. 除了协议或合同中规定的报酬形式外,我不会有意地从教练与客户的关系中获取任何私人的、职业上的、或者金钱上的好处和利益。
Yet there is more to the US-Chinese monetary relationship than fear of mutually assured dollar destruction. 然而,除了担忧相互证实的美元毁灭以外,美中货币关系还有更多需要担心的地方。
The research about the monetary policy 'validity can be divided into two levels. One focuses the relationship between the operation variables and intermediate variables, the other concentrated in the relationship between the intermediate variable and final variables. 对货币政策有效性的研究主要分为两个层次:从操作变量到中介变量为第一个层次,从中介变量到最终变量为第二个层次。
International monetary system is the key of international finance and the basis of international monetary relationship. 国际货币体系是国际金融领域的中心环节,是国际货币关系稳定的基础。
Through an empirical test of the stock market and economic growth of our country, it is known that monetary policy and capital market have an interactive relationship. 通过我国股票市场与经济增长的实证检验可知,货币政策与资本市场是一种互动关系。
With the analysis of Co-integration Regression and Vectors Error Correction Models, the research of the Basic Money and Monetary Multiplier shows the truly existence of distinct reverse relationship both in the long term and in the short term. 利用协整回归和向量误差纠正模型,对基础货币与货币乘数间关系进行分析后认为:基础货币无论是长期还是短期,对货币乘数都有显著的反向影响。
On the other hand, monetary targeting is not even an alternative for China because of the breakdown of the relationship between monetary aggregates and inflation. 同时,由于货币供应量与通货膨胀之间的相关性被破坏,货币供应量目标也不再适合我国;
Salary, means employee as various kinds of monetary income that party receive of employer-employee relationship, and various kinds of concrete services and sum of the welfare. 薪酬,是指雇员作为雇佣关系中的一方所得到的各种货币收入,以及各种具体的服务和福利之和。
While monetary policy is the significant means to control inflation, and the research on the quantitative relationship between intermediate targets of monetary policy and inflation can supply quantitative and scientific reference to monetary policy to control restrain inflation. 而货币政策是控制通货膨胀的重要手段,货币政策中介目标与通货膨胀之间的数量关系研究能为央行制定货币政策提供定量的科学参考依据,以有效地抑制和防范通货膨胀。
We should pay more attention on M2.In the same time, the paper also establishes a VAR model of external monetary policy transmission mechanism, it analyzes the relationship between money supply 、 price and output. 同时论文还构造了外部传导机制的VAR模型,并重点分析了货币供应量与产出和物价的关系,得出在我国M2对产出和物价的影响要大些,相对稳定些;
The fundamental power of monetary cooperation roots in the increasingly close international economy relationship. The economic integration in East Asia settles a stable foundation for the monetary cooperation from the economy perspective. 货币合作的基本动力来源于国际间日益紧密的经济关系,东亚经济一体化的发展从经济角度为东亚货币合作奠定了坚定基础。
Based on the modern monetary theory, this paper analyze the relationship between interest rate policy and the securities market of China by using event study and co integration model methods. 根据现值理论,利用事件分析和协整与误差校正模型方法研究了当前中国利率政策对证券市场的短期影响和长期影响,发现利率政策对证券市场的短期影响有反常现象;
Unemployment, prices and economic growth are the focus of economic theory and monetary policy regulation and the description of their relationship is Phillips Curve. 失业、物价与经济增长是经济理论争论的焦点,也是货币政策调控的重点,对三者相互关系的描述即菲利普斯曲线。
Making monetary policy has a key assumption which requires a stabile relationship between monetary aggregate and its determinants such as gross income, interest rate or inflation. 货币政策能够发挥效用有一个关键前提:货币总量与货币政策目标如通货膨胀、名义收入增长等存在稳定的关系,即需要一个稳定的货币需求函数。
The paper surveys the theory and practice of transparent monetary policy. It demonstrates that the function of transparent monetary policy lies in the two: the first is the relationship between transparency and the effectiveness of monetary policy; 通过对货币政策透明性相关理论和实践的深入研究表明,货币政策透明性有利于提高货币政策的责任性、可靠性;
The negative correlation between stock market index and interest rate as well as monetary supply is also identified. However, empirical results for relationship between stock market index and inflation rate is mixed and remains the open question. 具体而言,股票价格指数与企业景气指标、工业增加值之间呈正相关关系,而与利率、货币供给之间是一种负相关关系,与通货膨胀率之间的关系则不确定。
The Action of the Monetary Policy Reform of Nanjing Government on the Relationship Between America and China 南京政府币制改革在中美关系中的作用
As real estate prices climbed, real estate prices and monetary policy relationship once again become the focus of attention. 随着房地产价格的不断攀升,房地产价格与货币政策的关系再次成为备受关注的焦点。
Firstly, we summarize the relevant literature on the channels of monetary policy effect the real economy and the relationship between asset prices and monetary policy. 首先,本文根据研究中涉及到的问题,对相关文献进行了回顾,包括货币政策通过何种渠道影响实体经济以及资产价格与货币政策之间的关系。
With the growth of capital market, the role it plays as an agent in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy is becoming more significant. The relationship between monetary policy and capital markets has become a hot spot in theory. 随着资本市场规模的发展,资本市场在货币政策的传导机制中的作用和地位也随之重要起来,货币政策和资本市场的关系也成为理论界研究的热点。
The following chapter has made an assessment of fiscal policy and monetary policy implemented by Japanese government. And it is also using co-integration method to test the relationship between exchange rate, monetary supply and stock. 第4章对于日本政府当时所采取的财政政策、货币措施进行了较为详细的阐述,通过协整检验方法对日本当时汇率、货币供应量与股价的关系作了实证研究。
First, it theoretically analyzed the impact of monetary policy on the stock market and stock market impact on monetary policy, as well as the relationship of investor sentiment, monetary policy and stock market. 本文研究的内容是货币政策与股票市场的相互影响,首先从理论上分析了货币政策对股票市场的影响、股票市场对货币政策的影响以及投资者情绪、货币政策与股票市场的关系。
The disadvantage is that the core CPI and monetary policy effectiveness of the relationship between the few. 不足之处在于对核心CPI与货币政策有效性之间的关系探讨不多。
They can do anything for personal profit and measure the relationship between people in monetary terms. The capital rule turns the relationship between people into a mere money relation, love being no longer the intermediary. 为了个人利益不择手段,他们以金钱来衡量人与人之间的关系。资本统治使得人们之间的关系变成了纯粹的金钱关系,不再以相互爱护为中介。
Assets pre-tax profit margins, and receivables turnover rate, inventory turnover and economic cycle will have positive fluctuation relationship; Monetary fund average value and economic cycle has reversed direction fluctuation relationship; Fixed asset investment growth rate and economic cycle showed no relevance. 资产息税前利润率、应收账款周转率、存货周转率与经济周期具有同方向波动关系;货币资金平均数与经济周期具有反方向波动关系;固定资产投资增长率与经济周期没有显示出相关性。
From the point of view of the nature of property right for monetary compensation management and choices perks and the market level, instead of the relationship between the level of relevance, than non-state-owned enterprises state-owned enterprise even more significant. 从产权性质的角度来说,管理层货币薪酬和在职消费的替代关系与市场化水平两者的相关性水平,非国有企业比国有企业更加显著。
Both fiscal policy and monetary policy submit to the general goal of macro-control, and the relationship between them is very close. 财政政策和货币政策共同服务于宏观调控的总目标,存在着十分密切的关系。
In the prospect of monetary income, the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy embodies in the effcet mechanism in the process of monetary income formation. 从货币收入的分析视角,虚拟经济与实体经济关系表现为货币收入(货币利润)的形成过程中两者的相互影响机制。
This paper studies the impacts of financial innovation on monetary policy transmission mechanism by conducting an empirical analysis of the relationship between financial innovation and monetary demand. 本论文通过实证检验金融创新与货币需求的关系,来研究金融创新对货币政策传导的影响。
The traditional transaction monetary model can explain the relationship between price and money supply, but the economic situation of the analysis is too simple; there are only two sectors of the economy. 传统货币交易模型很好地解释了物价和货币供给之间的关系,但其分析设定的经济情形比较简单,只有两个经济部门。